"On World-Wide Communion Sunday, October 9, 1966, Church of the Incarnation, United Methodist, officially received its name, charter, and initial members. The new name for this church “Church of the Incarnation, United Methodist, might sound like an unusual name for a Methodist church, but the name chosen was born out of the Biblical doctrine that God came to earth in the flesh of Jesus Christ. And we can all find incarnation by living the words of our Methodist founder, John Wesley, who taught us to “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can”.
Early church services were held at nearby Dunton elementary school until the present church building was completed in 1969. Later in 1980 a new Fellowship Hall was added to the building along with additional new classrooms. Fellowship Hall provides an area with a more relaxed setting which has been used for many social and other non-traditional events.
Mission work and outreach to the community have long been part of the important ministry of Incarnation. From Christmas tree sales to more recent Farmer’s Market events, the goal has been to involve engagement with the local community. Over the years, many Incarnation members have generously volunteered their time and money to groups such as PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter), Habitat for Humanity, Feed my Starving Children, Meals on Wheels, Appalachia Service Project, just to name a few.
Music has also been an important part of Incarnation history. From excellent pianists, choirs and choir directors, to the formation of our current praise band “Incarnation Sound”, the church has lived up to its mission of singing praises to the Lord."
- Frank Lee, COIUM Historian
CJ Woo
CJ serves as our Lead Pastor with responsibilities for preaching, leading worship, administration, teaching, pastoral care, spiritual formation, stewardship, and shepherding our vision. With a passion for hospitality and welcome, he is committed to reaching new people for Jesus Christ, seeking God’s justice in the world, and proclaiming a message of full inclusion within and outside the church. CJ also serves in many ways with our surrounding communities and within The United Methodist Church.